Hamilton Day of Action on Climate Change - December 8 2007
December 8 has been designated a day of global action on climate change and Hamiltonians can register their concern for the fate of the planet in a very individual way. Environment Hamilton invites you to be part of the first Hamilton Day of Action on Climate Change by taking at least one of the following individual actions on Saturday, December 8.
To participate, register with EH by email or phone, and tell us which of the following actions you will complete on December 8.
1. I will write a personal letter to Prime Minister Harper and my Member of Parliament expressing my concerns about climate change. (You can come to the EH office on the evening of Wednesday, December 5 for assistance, and to join others in this action).
2. I will sign up for the Environment Hamilton pilot vehicle use log and commit to recording all use of my car for one month.
3. I will park my car for the weekend and try out public transit (this option should not be chosen by regular HSR users).
4. I will borrow a copy of the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth and show it to friends or family over the weekend.
5. I will take public transit to Toronto on December 8 and participate in the climate change rally starting at 12 noon – at Dundas Square on Yonge Street.
Call (905) 549-0900 or email contactus@environmenthamiltonDecember 8 has been designated a day of global action on climate change and Hamiltonians can register their concern for the fate of the planet in a very individual way. Environment Hamilton invites you to be part of the first Hamilton Day of Action on Climate Change by taking at least one of the following individual actions on Saturday, December 8.
To participate, register with EH by email or phone, and tell us which of the following actions you will complete on December 8.
1. I will write a personal letter to Prime Minister Harper and my Member of Parliament expressing my concerns about climate change. (You can come to the EH office on the evening of Wednesday, December 5 for assistance, and to join others in this action).
2. I will sign up for the Environment Hamilton pilot vehicle use log and commit to recording all use of my car for one month.
3. I will park my car for the weekend and try out public transit (this option should not be chosen by regular HSR users).
4. I will borrow a copy of the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth and show it to friends or family over the weekend.
5. I will take public transit to Toronto on December 8 and participate in the climate change rally starting at 12 noon – at Dundas Square on Yonge Street.
Also as part of Environment Hamilton's workshops and presentations series, Melrose Buffet Breakfast will host Crystle Numan (Evangelical Environmental Network) who will be presenting a talk on Climate Change and Social Justice. Suggested donation $10 (includes breakfast)
Talk starts at 9am at Melrose United Church,