Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Green Faith?

Hamilton faith organizations are on the move; they want green. This weekend EH volunteer Jessica and I attended a workshop on 'creating an eco team in your place of worship' lead by True City's Greg Reader. There was about 25 people in the room all eager for help on how to get things moving in the green direction.

It was revealing to hear many people admit that their places of worship still use Styrofoam cups and still don't recycle. Just a week prior to that I along with 2 other EH staff were invited to help brainstorm ideas for a local church which faced the same problems of waste reduction although they have been at it for years already!
Environment Hamilton is wiling and ready to be of service; we have film screenings with an environmental message, we have workshops that we offer free of charge as a practical response to climate change, we have a newsletter and a monthly column on climate change we can offer your faith group to include in their newsletter, we have resource information and we have partners we work with such as Green Venture and Faith and the Common Good that can be of great assistance if people are interested.
Contact me Beatrice, at environment Hamilton to get more information.
905 549 0900

Peak Oil Screenings for the Month of March

EH volunteer Richard Reble continues to screen the peak oil film A crude Awakening at the following locations;


Wed., Mar. 5- Barton Stone United Church, Peak Oil (talk plus DVD)

Wed. Mar. 12- South Gate Presbyterian Church- Peak Oil

Tues., Mar. 18- Binbrook/Blackheath United Churches, Binbrook- Peak Oil

Wed. Mar. 19- Grace Lutheran Church

Wed., Mar. 26- Laidlaw United Church- Peak Oil

Fri., Mar. 28- St. John’s Lutheran- Peak Oil

Sun., Mar. 30- Emmanuel United Church- Peak Oil

Friday, February 1, 2008

PEAK OIL ROAD SHOWS; Month of February

Dates and Places for Environment Crises Presentations in 2008
presented by Richard Reble, retired teacher and Environment Hamilton volunteer

Mon., Jan. 28- Current Affairs Discussion Group (a non-church group)- Peak Oil


Fri., Feb. 1- Westdale United Church- Peak Oil

Sat., Feb. 2- Eternal Springs United Church- Peak Oil

Sun., Feb. 3- St Paul’s United Church, Dundas- Climate Change

Wed. Feb. 13- Melrose United Church- Peak Oil

Mon., Feb. 18- First Pilgrim United Church- Peak Oil

Wed. Feb. 20- Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Burlington- Peak Oil

For more information please contact Richard at therebels_rands@mountaincable.net

Dave Braden Tour Jan 2008

By all accounts another successful tour! And for those who couldn't make it this time, there is going to be another one in the spring so get your name on the list soon.