Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association's AGM (October 21st)
The Neighbourhood Association has now publically and officially announced it's commitment to active transportation and will be forming a commitee that focuses on sustainability with walking cycling and taking transit to help reduce green house gases andmitigate climate change as a central focus. Congratulations to Derek Hrynyshyn for taking the lead on this!
A petition was also circulated that night concerning the need to rebuild the Poulette pedestrian bridge.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Alley Tour of Kirkendall
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Kirkendall Walks: Update
Nicholas Kevlahan of the Durand Neighbourhood Association shared his slideshow of revitalized streetscapes in a European community. He highlighted ways of making streets more pedestrian and cycling friendly – and beautiful! He also shared the experience of the Durand community who have been working on pedestrian issues and have seen some improvements there.
Daryl Bender (Alternative Transportation department at the City) attended and heard many of the concerns we have with cycling networks and cycling safety. He is gathering input this fall for the City Cycling Master Plan.
Dale Brown from Councillor McHattie's office attended as well. She made note of our concerns to date and has provided some useful information regarding the area Traffic Management Study. We have already done some follow-up with Councillor McHattie's office regarding crosswalk painting and curb ramps.
NEXT STEPS – We invite you to take any of the following steps to help Kirkendall become more pedestrian and cycling friendly
1) Review recommendations from the Kirkendall Neighbourhood Traffic
Management Study
The City of Hamilton completed a Traffic Management Plan for the Kirkendall Neighbourhood in 2006. This included traffic impacts associated with the redevelopment of the former CAMCO site by McMaster Innovation Park. This document includes collision data (2000-2005), bicycle and pedestrian safety concerns, development-related traffic concerns and much more. It contains general recommendations to address parking, transit, trucking, etc.
Many of these recommendations address the concerns brought up in our neighbourhood assessment. We invite you to go through this document and highlight recommendations you would like to see supported. The report can be found at:
You will also find the West Hamilton Bicycle Network Review. This has recommendations for the bicycle network.
2) Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association AGM
The KNA is holding their AGM on Oct. 21st. Derek Hrynyshyn suggested we try to formalize a committee within the NA that would back projects initiated by Environment Hamilton and residents. The Neighbourhood Association really has their finger on the pulse of what is happening in the community. It communicates frequently with the residents, and will be active for years to come. This would be an ideal channel to continue work in the community.
Here are the details of the AGM. Hope to see you all there.
7 pm, Tuesday, October 21st
Stanley Avenue Baptist Church
Corner of Stanley and Locke Street
Hear About:
Plans for Light Rail Transit in Hamilton,
Making Kirkendall a Walkable neighbourhood,
Big Box Development off Longwood Road
3) Communicate cycling concerns to Daryl Bender, Alternative Transportation, City of Hamilton.
On Thursday, we shared our cycling concerns with Daryl Bender at the City. He now needs to hear from everyone in Kirkendall who couldn't make our meeting.
4) There are many other avenues for getting involved. Please contact Beatrice or Jarah for more information. 905-549-0900,