Thursday, November 27, 2008

KNA-Sustainable transportation group- ist meeting

The new Kirkendall Sustainability Committee: First Meeting was attended by 13 people. We discussed problem areas in the Kirkendall area and EH has been invited by residents to help host another meeting that will include the traffic department, the councillor, the MTO (the might have authority over traffic flow decisions at the Main/Dundurn and King/Dundurn intersections).

The meeting is planned for new year.

Contact? Derek -

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We had a great turn out for the food tour Nov 15th (24 people).
We will be having another hike with Richard Reble (see side bar) and we are going to have a Personal Safety workshop with Hamilton Police (see side bar).
We will be working with St Joesph's Catholic school and Public Health to deliver active and safe routes to school.
Our Walk there /Kirkendall Walks website is almost ready to be launched so stay tuned for that and for our walk there challenge!

First KNA -sustainable transportation meeting

New Kirkendall Sustainability Committee: First Meeting Please join the Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association for the 1st meeting of their new committee focused on pedestrians and cyclists. This group will take action on issues brought up in Environment Hamilton's neighbourhood assessments this fall.

For instance, the safety of crosswalks at Main and Dundurn is a problem. After meeting with management in the City Traffic Department a number of options were examined including: a pedestrian "scramble", taking a crosswalk away from pedestrians, and eliminating or delaying the advanced green turning signal. Get involved with the decision that is made at this corner! Also on the agenda: Painting on Pavement project for Herkimer and Kent intersection, organizing pedestrian events for safety, leisure, fun!

Where? Stanley Ave. Baptist Church. 115 Stanley Ave - please use rear entrance

Time? 7:30pm

Contact? Derek -

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pedestrian Scramble

A pedestrian scramble, also known as a Barnes Dance or exclusive pedestrian phase, is a pedestrian crossing system that stops all traffic and allows pedestrians to cross intersections in every direction at the same time. It was first used in Kansas City and Vancouver, Canada in the late 1940s, and has since then been adopted in many other cities and countries. It is most recently adopted in Toronto.

Jarah and I will be meeting with Councillor McHattie Nov 11th to talk about the possibility of a scramble for Dundurn and Main St. Meanwhile, here is an article from today's spec about a scramble at York and MacNab:

Pedestrians may soon scramble to market
Crossing and MacNab and York part of renewal plan

The Hamilton Spectator

(Nov 10, 2008)

Get ready to scramble, Hamilton.

That is, if all goes according to plan on York Boulevard.

City staff have designed three concepts to revamp the streetscape of the road, all of which include a pedestrian scramble at the intersection of MacNab Street and York across from the Hamilton Farmers' Market.

The scramble allows pedestrians to cross the road in any direction, including diagonally, during a designated traffic light.

It's a model used around the world, and Toronto recently launched its own scramble at a downtown intersection.

"The scramble really reflects what I think is the true attitude of pedestrians, which is: 'If it's OK to go, go. And if I need to get across the diagonal, well, I'll go that way,'" said downtown Councillor Bob Bratina.

If implemented, the scramble would be the first of its kind in the city.

David Cuming, acting manager of community planning and design with the city, said creating a scramble would give pedestrians easier access from places like the parking garage to the Hamilton Farmers' Market.

"It goes back to that basic supposition that the pedestrians, in certain areas of the downtown, should take precedence over vehicular traffic," he said.

Cuming said public works staff have advised that the idea may need more analysis, but the designers wanted to get the concept out to stimulate public interest.

The regeneration of York is still in its early stages, with the public only receiving their first glimpse of the three concepts at an information centre last week.

The plan, developed around the two-way conversion of the street, covers the area along York from Bay Street North to James Street North.

Some of the ideas highlighted in the concepts include limiting street parking, creating additional sidewalk in front of the market and library, opening two or more lanes of traffic to vendors and events, or closing the street for special events on weekends or holidays.

Bratina said the street is basically a "highway" and needs to have a human pedestrian element brought back in.

He said if some of the roadway can be used for vendors for special events, while traffic can still get through, "that's a pretty broad and comprehensive way of looking at pedestrians and traffic living together."

Staff will try to finalize a preferred plan by spring.

It's anticipated work would be done at the same time as planned market and and library renovations.


Friday, November 7, 2008

St Joesph's Catholic School

Nov 5th-Attended a parent/teacher council meeting with Sharon Mackinnon, Public health nurse with the City. We were invited to speak to the council about getting kids walking. They were very interested and are keen to start the ball rolling with a jingle bells walk theme (an activity of the Active and safe routes to school program that Sharon promotes). Other activities include Walking Wednesdays, The walking school bus , mapping activities, 'walk across Canada,' walk a block. etc.
I'd like to do a walkabout for kids-maybe grades 8. Will be in touch with SageQuest/Ryerson School to see if they are interested.

Tars Sand Mania

Mon Nov 10 2008 THE 2008 SPIRIT OF RED HILL LECTURE - TAR SANDS MANIA 7:30 PM Please join us for the 4th Annual Spirit of Red Hill Valley Lecture. The guest speaker this year is Tony Clarke, Director of the Polaris Institute and author of the 2008 book entitled Tar Sands Showdown. Clarke will be speaking about the impact of the Alberta Tar Sands on Canada's economy, environment and energy future. He will be introduced by Dr. Brian Baetz, Director of McMaster University's Engineering and Society Program. Location: First Unitarian Church, 170 Dundurn St. S., Hamilton, Region: Hamilton, Sponsor: Friends of Red Hill Valley, MacGreen, Environment Hamilton, the Sierra Youth Coalition, the Hamilton/Burlington KAIROS Committee, and Hamiltonians for Progressive Development Contact Info: Don McLean (905) 664-8796