Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kirkendall Walking and Cycling Concerns

Public meeting – all welcome!

Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 7:00pm

Stanley Ave. Baptist Church

115 Stanley Ave.

On Thursday you will:

  • Meet other residents helping to make Kirkendall a walking and cycling-friendly neighbourhood
  • Prioritize concerns and develop ideas for improving the neighbourhood

Environment Hamilton will give a short summary of the concerns brought up through our Kirkendall Walkability study. This volunteer-based, street-by-street canvass has generated a long list of concerns for walkers and cyclists - from problem street crossings to cycling network weaknesses.

As a group, we will discuss ways of improving the neighbourhood. Suggestions might be directed at the city, but there are many exciting things we can do with the local businesses and with our neighbours. Actions might include:

- recommendations for the city cycling masterplan - to be submitted during the public consultation meetings this fall

- traffic calming projects around the entrance to the HAAA grounds through community art projects, a physical roundabout, awareness actions, etc.

- work with the local businesses to make streetscapes around businesses more walker friendly

- recommendations to the city about pedestrian safety issues due to traffic

- a network to better understand and participate in plans for development around your neighbourhood

- work promoting walking and cycling as a healthy alternative to short vehicle trips

We look forward to working with you,

Beatrice and Jarah

Kirkendall Walks Project

Environment Hamilton

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pearl Bridge Party-24th September

There were close to 50 people who came out to this event. We handed out leaflets concerning the pedestrian bridges situation in Kirkendall. Petitions were signed to have the Poulette bridge rebuilt, hot dogs were cooked by chief organizer, Transportation for Liveable Communities (TLC) Gord Pullar. Food was eaten by the participants! Yum.

Walk Locke Tour

Bill Manson's historical Walk Locke tour was very well attended- a whopping 65 people came out to this event! Our crowd was growing as we went down the street and people splintered into groups after, going for coffee or lunch with friends afterward.
There will be another tour but we will have to take registration due to popularity of the tour!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kirkendall Walks Locke Street

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We had a great turn out at the Locke st festival despite the initial setback of rain. Once the sun came out, so did the people. We must have had 10 people sign up for the to do the vehicle log giving away pedometers to those who committed to log their vehicle use for a month.
15 people sign up to be on the Kirkendall Walks list and another 100 or more people stop and take information from our tent. Thanks to the very nice librarian at the Locke st library who photocopied 50 copies of our flyer when I ran out of them all for free.
We had around 14 comments added to our board on what needs to be done to improve walkability and bikeability in Kirkendall.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this day a sucess.